Arco Project

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Arco is a joint project with the string, woodwind, brass and vocal departments of Royal Birmingham Conservatoire (RBC), UK. It is led by Louise Lansdown, Head of Strings at RBC with Claudia Dehnke, ARCO Teaching and Learning Manager and Christopher Bishop, MICM Director of Music.

This project removes distance as a challenge restricting the opportunity for ongoing cultural exchange between institutions on different continents. Our students and tutors in Soweto, through an internet connection, benefit from the teaching and expertise of the staff and senior students at RBC, who in turn gain valuable teaching experience through our young musicians. Arco also creates the opportunity for professional development through the collaboration of teaching staff.

Arco provides additional chamber music coaching, master classes, performances and performance opportunities for the education and enjoyment of all MICM students and the local community. Student participants of Arco are selected from members of MICM through discussion between RBC and MICM and through audition/trial as necessary.

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